Townes is the most stubborn girl around. It’s not quite the trait a professor wants in a defender, but somehow no one questions it. Townes and stubborn are just synonyms.
She very well could take someone twice her size and height that’s just how she was trained. Some say she only excels because of who her parents are. It’s not her fault the rest of her classmates suck.
She might love fighting but her favorite thing in the whole world to do is stay up late at night and binge watch binge watch..dare she say reality tv. Of course a binge watch sess would never exclude her favorite snack aka mint chocolate chip ice cream.
She really doesn’t understand her peers. It’s not that she’s being rude. She really just can’t comprehend why any defender would look like a fool fighting unbalanced. It’s like they were all trained by a monkey. Okay..maybe she is just being rude, but nonetheless, it is true.
You will rarely catch Townes out of fighting clothes but if you do it’s casual and comfy. Why shoul d she dress like a ‘lady’? If she did she’d probably just get the good clothes dirty while fighting. Her mother stopped trying to get her to wear dresses at the age of 12. Yeah, Townes has always been stubborn and set in her ways.
She’s never told anyone, but alias among her peers is kind of comforting. Yeah, she’s a badass fighter, but she’s never really had, friends. So in kind of a fucked up way, it’s like a friendly nickname her classmates gave her. Yeah, it’s pathetic, she knows.
Nobody and she means nobody will disrespect her. Especially if they can’t keep up. She likes to settle disputes with fights. Fair fights, obviously. She might be vicious, but she is no barbarian. No weapons. Hand on hand combat.
Her prince is her weakness. It’s been years since she’s fallen heads over heels for him. She hides it well. Along with any ounce of any other emotion, it is stuffed down into her seemingly black soul.
She is an extremely loyal ally. She does not take being crossed lightly. Not even her worst enemies will dare do it. Only a fool would even try.
Townes is an exceptionally well observer. She can usually tell what a person is thinking or about to do just by their body language. Yet another skill taught to her by her father. One she is very thankful for.