[ Name ] :
Townes Lake
[ Age ] :
[ Alias ] :
[ Sexual Orientation ] :
[ Pronouns/Gender ] :
[ Type of Student/Class Professor ] :
[ Country belonging/servant/handmaid/defender to ] :
gonna wait to plot this with someone
Mac & Cheese..even the toughest of defenders can’t ignore it
Dueling, the feeling of winning a fight even the most insignificant ones is enough for her
Swords they are most practical fighting tool though she will say only a fool would rely on them
Sleep…she doesn’t get much but she loves it so much
Entitle Royals..she can’t stand when they feel like they are more important than her prince
Meatloaf...honestly who in their right mind actually likes it
Running, she might have to do it but it doesn’t mean she has to like it
The amount of training she does. It over exhausts her body.
The prince. What can she say she’s a woman in love.
Her parents. She loves her family to death and will do anything protect them, including giving her life for theirs.
Her resilience. No matter what situation she is in whether in training, class, or life she will find a way out!
Her knowledge. Growing up around her parents, she learned a lot from a young age. It’s one of the reasons she is way more advanced than her classmates.
Her ability to keep a straight head through even the foggiest of places. Nothing can shake her concentration nor can fear paralyze her.
One reason Townes is so protective of Prince _____. Is because she loves him. Not a family love or even silly puppy love. No this is the real deal. She’s madly, irrevocably smitten for him. Though she’d never let him or anyone else know that.